Rescue Balm

Rescue Balm

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Roccoco Botanicals Rescue Balm is the ultimate in barrier repair. This product can really help to alleviate discomfort often associated with a compromised barrier such as stinging when products are applied. Enriched with Omega 3 and Cholesterol which both help to quickly restore the skin barrier and suppress inflammation.

Key ingredients:

Sunflower Oil: High in Linoleic acid it helps to restore the skin barrier and suppress inflammation.

Kiwi Seed Oil: High in Omega 3, Kiwi Seed Oil is highly anti-inflammatory. They increase the moisture and support skin membrane function.

Hydrogenated lecithin: Contains 97% Phosphatidylcholine which acts as a second skin and helps to restore the skin barrier. Phosphatidylcholine is an essential component of cell membraines. It increases the hydration of the skin and also increases wound healing times.

Powerful Anti-inflammatory blend of Ashwaganda, Asparagus, Perilla and Boswellia.

Babchi Extract (Psoralea corylifolia): Psoralea is one of only 2 plants that contain a substance called Bakuchiol. Bakuchiol has potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and collagen stimulating properties. Babchi stimulates Collagen 1, 3 and 4 production.

Boswellia Extract: Protects collagen and elastin. It inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in the body. Boswellia has also shown efficacy with reversing photoaging and wrinkles as well, making it anti-aging.

Cholesterol: Cholesterol is an essential component of the lipid bilayer and topical application restores the skin barrier quickly.

Locust Bean Gum: Locust Bean Gum has a tensing effect on the skin giving a sensation of skin tightening and firming.